12 Strand DNA Activation Mantra

Earlier humans had 12 strand DNA but after Kali Yuga started (about 5100 years ago), our DNA shrunk and now only limited to 2 strands, out of which 96% is junk !
Seers in earlier yugas had 12 strands of DNA.
They had fractal minds and superhuman powers like Ashta Siddhis etc.
However, we can activate those 10 strands and eliminate junk from our DNA using the following mantra.
12 strand dna

Om maNi padmE huM

This mantra ends like Mmmmmmm…
This mantra needs to be recited 108 times every day.
108 because our body has 108 nodes (naaDi) and all of them need to be resonated with each recitation of this mantra.
Also this is about the sacred Sri Yantra divine geometry.
Triple lines of Sri Yantra intersect at 54 points of yin-yang.
54 is the number of Sanskrit alphabets and Sanksrit is a divine language from the DNA.

Reciting 108 times sets up a resonant vibration, similar to the king mantra OM or AUM.
The Mmmmmm… humming boosts the production of Nitric Oxide in the body.

Dalai Lama endorsed this mantra and it is very popular among Tibetian Buddhists now.
However, their pronounciation of sanskit is not accurate.

Method to chant 12 strand DNA activation Mantra

Place a Sri Yantra (2D) photo in front of you at your forehead height.
While you chant this mantra 108 times, look into the centre spot or the Bindu (Singularity – Black hole) of the Sri Yantra .
It balances the right and left lobes of your brain.

Sri Yantra 2D photoA person who has access to both brain lobes is generating scalar waves and thus is in touch with higher dimenions of funtioning.

Contradicting strengths Tamas and Rajas are joined through awareness ( yin-yang ).
The center prong of Siva’s trident is Satwa.
It speaks the truth quantum probability vortex vibrations, between two posts, we call the grandiose move of Siva from either side of the Quantum screen.
Together they express the colossal void at total peace with itself.
To initiate the third eye of Shiva, or to see higher measurements, the pineal organ ( soul ) and the pituitary organs ( body ) must vibrate in reverberation to make a field. This is spoken to by Samudra manthan in Hindu mythology, where mount meru is utilized to agitate the seas for Amrit or Ambrosia in a back and forth development, speaking to vibrations.

The amrit of the ambrosia or Soma is the sacred vessel. This is the thing that the Templar knights got subsequent to exhuming King Solomon’s sanctuary. Soma is a heavenly LSD- – rather a million times all the more intense DMT. A 12 strand Maharishi with NIL garbage DNA can deliver it actually, by resounding his pineal organ with his DNA, and accomplish clairvoyance and psychic teleportation.
The hallucinogenic excursions are gotten to and experienced inside of the domains of the pineal organ. The pineal organ is the Siva lingam.

Serotonin has the same compound structure as this psychedelic substance Soma.
Serotonin is changed into melatonin just in the pineal organ. Decrease in melatonin is the trigger for the maturing procedure, for Melatonin is the super-oxidant of nature.
The hormone Melatonin, incites rest, while Serotonin, keeps you glad and in an adjusted mental perspective. PROZAC raises serotonin. The pineal organ produces Pinoline, ( 6-methoxy-tetra-dydro-beta carboline, or 6-MeO-THBC ).
Pinoline likewise reverberates with the very heartbeat of life 7.83 Hertz, the beat the DNA uses to recreate, and which has been measured to be radiated from the brains and hands of every single fruitful healer, paying little mind to conviction or confidence. OM mantra is 7.843 hertz. Reverberation can vibrate the pineal organ, to discharge Nuerotransmitter seratonin, melatonin, DMT, and so forth. On the off chance that you have an in sufficiently number feeling of awareness you will taste an immense pituitary discharge in the back of your mouth and sinuses and throat, it is alluded to as ambrosia ( amrit – mental climax release ). This is a consequence of DMT generation.

DMT is the soul atom that twists space-time. Pineal DMT is the compound errand person which connections body and soul. Dimethyltryptamine, a hallucinogenic tryptamine Pinoline empowers the edge levels of DMT to end up dynamic in the cerebrum, yet it requires a moment bungee hop prompted adrenaline burst. DMT with Pinoline builds cerebrum enactment multi fold. You cant watch the quantum world without your Pineal organ – the other 5 detects have excessively contract data transfer capacities.

Quantum material science has demonstrated the antiquated Indian Yogis were not simple visionaries of inestimable cognizance, where our bodies, our cerebrum and its psyche, as inseparably joined with other matter and the uber dipole of universe.
There is without a doubt an association in the middle of cognizance and tangled state quantum phenomena Indian Vedic maharishis had the intrinsic capacity to go on either side of the tight band of five human detects. They could transcend the limitations of Time-Space.
They immovably trusted that the undetectable underneath the quantum screen offers ascend to the noticeable.
At the season of death Seratonin and Melatonin in the mind separates to Dimethyltryptamine or DMT, C12 N2 H16, soon after the oxygen quits coursing. This is the minute for a definitive DMT trip.
You see you’re entire past life as Fractal Divine Geometry.
When you expend Soma, hues , sounds and numbers all appear as fractal geometry.
What you have learnt in the past is of no utilization to you. As you take in the oxygen enters your cerebrum and reasons a blast of fractal hues.
To the otherworldly eastern personality, the tale of SAMUDRA MANTHAN produces stunning demonstrations of confidence like the Kumbh Mela, which has been continuing for a long time. Tamas and Rajas are aware of one another.
Amrit uncovers the fractal way of awareness. Amrit is NOT outer, it is delivered inside your head.

Everything you need to know is the way to create it by your own particular personality. 12 strand DNA which antiquated Maharishis had, has now corrupted to 2 strand DNA. These 12 strand DNA maharishis with raised Kundalinis, can read akashik records, change over them from fractal geometry, for day by day life utilization. The cobra on Lord Shiva ‘s shoulders shows raised Kundalini and open third eye. This self acknowledgment (of opening the third eye), is a definitive objective of awareness.