Ancient Batteries, Hydrogen & Oxygen discovered by Sage Agastya in India

Agastya Samhita, written thousands of years ago contains methods to construct an electric battery or cell, and also, how to utilize the battery to ‘split‘ water into its constituent gasses (Hydrogen an Oxygen).
Modern battery cell resembles Agastya’s method of generating electricity. For generating electricity, Sage Agastya had used the following materials : One earthen pot, Copper plate, Copper sulphate, Wet saw dust, Zinc amalgam.
Batteries in Vedas

A clean copper plate is put in an earthenware vessel.
It is covered first by copper sulfate and then moist sawdust.
After that put a mercury-amalgamated-zinc sheet on top of an energy known by the twin name of Mitra-Varuna.
Water will be split by this current into Pranavayu (Oxygen) and Udanavayu (Hydrogen).
A chain of one hundred jars is used to give a very strong electricity.

Mitra is cathode , Varuna is anode , Pranavayu is oxygen, Udanavayu is hydrogen, Ghritachi is earthen ceramic beaker, Shata Kumbh is 100 cells in series to convert chemical energy to electrical energy, Apsara is water tight vessel..
अगस्त्य संहिता शिल्प सूत्र – From Agastya Samhita, Shilpa Sutra (theory of architecture) – This verse gives following information :

संस्थाप्य मृण्मये पात्रे ताम्रपत्रम् सुसंस्कृतम् ।
छादयेत शिखिग्नीवेनार्दाभिः काष्ठपांसुभिः ॥

दस्तालोष्ठो निघातव्यः पारदाच्छादितस्ततः ।
संयोगात जायते तेजो मित्रावरुण संज्ञितम् ॥

अनेन जलभंगोस्ति प्राणोदानेषु वायुषु।
एवम् शतानाम् कुंभानाम् संयोगः कार्यकृत्स्मृतः ॥

वायु बंधक वस्त्रेण निबद्धो यंमस्तके।
उदान: स्वलघुत्वे बिभर्त्याकाश यानकम ॥
Agastya Samhita dry cell battery

Electrical energy is produced by this particular assembly of chemicals and wire, that energy is of dual nature.
Water can be split using that energy. Upon splitting of water, 2 gasses are produced.
The energy can be amplified if the cells are assembled in series.
There exists a material OR a fabric which is airtight and which can be harnessed to build a structure which won’t allow air to escape.
Udaan vaayu, which is produced after splitting water, can be trapped in such air-tight assembly.
Udaan vaayu is light and self-buoyant (hydrogen in light weight)
The self-buoyancy of Udaan vaayu can be harnessed to build a structure which is capable of flying in air.

Sage Agastya discovered that Hydrogen is light weight (even lighter than Helium) and can be used to fly objects in air.
Helium replaced Hydrogen in balloons because it does not catch fire.
Mitra-Varuna are twin deities like Ashwini kumar. They always exist in pair, like Dyava-Prithvi.
The energy which is generated from above mentioned assembly exists in pair and cannot exist individually.
This refers to positive and negative terminals of cell and charges of electric field.
One cannot exist without another, they have to exist in pair, just like Mitra-varuna.
It is an example of analytical and deductive nature of human brain.

Rishis in ancient India produced 6 types of electricity using technology in Vedas :

1. Tadit — the one produced by friction from leather or silk,
2. Saudamini — that produced by friction from gems or glass,
3. Vidyut — produced from clouds or steam,
4. Satakoti (or) Satakumbhi — that produced from a battery of hundreds of cells,
5. Hradini — that obtained from storage cells,
6. Asani — the one emanating from a magnetic rod.

Golden veneer jewellery electroplated from Silver, was in common use in the ancient days. Indian Vimanas had accumulator batteries.
Later, Electrical Bulbs were in used in Ancient Egypt too. They had filaments and were manually ignited.
Light Bulb in Ancient Egypt

light bulbs in ancient egypt

The famous Baghdad Battery also is similar to the dry cell made using Agastya Samhita.

Read more about Electrical Energy and Usage in Atharva Veda