Natural Remedies to prevent feelings of Depression, Tiredness, Drowsiness

Depression involves sad moods and loss of interest in all pleasurable things and activities that were previously interesting and readily practiced. One of the main causes of depression is stress,over use of electronics, insufficient sleep and lack of vitamins.
tiredness depression
Symptoms of depression include feelings of loneliness, insecurity and helplessness, loss of interest in usual activities, inability to sleep, lack of concentration.

Fortunately, depression is treatable and here are some natural cures that help its treatment in a natural way.

Rosemary Wine

rosemary wineIf you do not feel good in the morning, and you wake up more tired than you were when you went to sleep, feeling sluggish and sleepy during the day while at the same time you have low blood pressure, rosemary wine would aid you perfectly.

Preparation of Rosemary Wine:

Take one handful of rosemary leaves, mix them into 1 liter of good wine (preferably a homemade red wine).
This mixture is best stored if it is preserved in a glass bottle for a week before consuming it.
It is ready for consumption first on the eight day.
Against depression, it is recommended to drink little shot glass full every day, one in the morning, before breakfast second before lunch and one afternoon over period of 4 weeks.
The mixture must be shaken well every day before consuming.
As with any other natural therapy cure the good effects and noticeable improvement will occur in about 30 days. However if the person is manifesting this disorder in milder forms disease or if the person is highly sensitive person the cure effect and feel better will be manifested much before.

Evening Cucumber Mask

If you are depressed and feeling down putting cucumber on top of your eyelids as well as over the whole face will help you feel much better after only one week. (5 days).
Cucumber slices have long been used to reduce puffiness and refresh the appearance of skin around the eyes yet this cure for depression is known only in naturopathic circles in South Eastern Europe.
Lie down, preferably in the evening before sleep, and leave fresh cucumber slices over your eyes for about minutes.
Keep your eyes closed and after the 15 minutes there should be a difference and you will feel refreshed and sleepy.

Replacing Coffee, Tea and Alcoholic beverages with Natural Asparagus Juice

asparagusIt is a large misconception that tea, coffee and alcohol can snap a person out of depression.
Though these can seem to help in a given moment to temporarily feel little bit better, these drinks long-term tend to lead to greater levels of depression, causing mental and physical damage to your brain.
Asparagus root is one of the best remedies for depression and is often used as an herbal remedy for various mental illnesses including anxiety, panic attacks and depressive moods.
Asparagus Juice is excellent stimulant for the nerves and the brain inducing it improved working and more balanced serotonin production.
(An imbalance in serotonin levels can influence mood in a way that leads to depression.)

You can make juice from it or just use it in powder form depending what you have readily available.
Powder asparagus is made ​​from dried roots of the plant, and both juice and powder if taken daily, will make you free from depression in no more than two weeks.

Aswagandha Roots powder to cure depression and boost Adrenaline

In Ayurveda, Aswagandha roots powder along with Yashtimadhuka powder mixed in equal quantities (1 spoon each) in 250 ml of warm milk, added with sugar will boost adrenaline and remove depression from mind and body.
This can be consumed early in the morning along with breakfast for boost in energy for daily activities or in the evening to increase Libido among men during sex at night.