Why Ancient Year was called Varsha

Rig Veda mentions 3 seasons (Summer, Rainy and Winter) which are observed only in India and neighbouring countries. In most parts of the world, rain comes either in Summer or in Winter (in few places as snow … Read more

Spiriton, Nature of Human Consciousness

Modern science claims that human consciousness is the product of highly organized matter, or brain. However, this assertion is debatable. Infact a highly organized matter itself requires a conscious approach or an intelligent manipulation of matter. Therefore, … Read more

Whirling Log of Native Americans is Swastika

Whirling Log symbol of Native American tribe Navajo is Vedic Swastika, 卐. Used in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Tibet, China, Japan, Greece, Aztec, Ceylon, Hopi, Celt, Bali, Malta, Lapland etc. Swastika is known to be in … Read more