Hubal (هُبَل) was a god worshipped in pre-Islamic Arabia, notably by Quraysh at the Kaaba in Mecca.
After winning battle of Badr in 624 CE against Quraysh tribe, who were Hubal god’s devotees, Muhammad entered Mecca in 630 CE and removed the statue of Hubal from the Kaaba along with the idols of all the other pagan gods.
These Quraysh must be leftover Kurus after kurukshetra war, who were forced to leave Bharat and migrate towards Arab (Arav) lands.
His idol is represented by a man standing with a crescent moon over his head and zamzam river falling onto his hair, then descending onto earth.
This is exactly how Lord Siva is depicted in Puranas and Ramayana (Bala Kanda).
After Bhageeratha convinced Akasa Ganga to descend onto earth, he had to convince Lord Siva to control its force.
Siva with crescent moon on head, takes full force of Ganga and diverts it onto earth through his hair.
Hubal god is also shown doing the same with moon on head and zamzam river flowing onto earth through his hair.
Hu means “spirit”, Baal means “the lord”, which is “The Lord of the Spirits”, as is used all over the last book of jewish bible – Revelation of st. John (Book of Revelation).
Well of Zamzam (بِئْرُ زَمْزَمَ) is located within the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, 20 m (66 ft) east of the Kaaba. According to Islam, it is a miraculously generated source of water from God, which sprang spontaneously thousands of years ago when Ibrahim’s (Abraham’s) son ʾIsmaʿil (Ishmael) was left with his mother Hajar (Hagar) in the desert, thirsty and crying.
Name of the well comes from the phrase Zomë Zomë, meaning “stop flowing”, a command repeated by Hajar during her attempt to contain the spring water, just like Siva contained the force of Akasa Ganga.
Mecca was dedicated to Hubal, who was worshipped as the greatest of the 360 idols the Kaaba contained, which is wrongly thought as represented the days of the year. Infact, they are 360 gods placed at 1° each of Sri Chakra (which totals to 360° in a circle, as described in Vedas).
After Ganga was revered as holy, zamzam followed its steps and many years later, catholism started giving publicity to Lourdes water in France on similar lines.
Hubal was god, believed to control acts of divination, which was performed by tossing arrows before the statue. The direction in which the arrows pointed answered questions asked of the idol.
A tale recorded by Ibn Al-Kalbi has Muhammad’s grandfather Abdul Mutallib vowing to sacrifice one of his ten children. He consulted the arrows of Hubal to find out which child he should choose.
The arrows pointed to his son Abd-Allah, the future father of Muhammad. However, 100 camels were sacrificed in his place and he got saved.
According to Tabari, Abdul Mutallib later also brought the infant Muhammad himself before the idol.
There is an argument that Hubal was original god (Allah) in Arab and was later replaced by Mohammed as he did not want god to have a shape or idol.
The word ‘Allah’ is combination of two words ‘Al’ + ‘ilah’ (The God), or Masculine + Feminine energy as in Ardhanareeswara.
Feminine is ʾilāhat’. Also, Al-Lat is a pre-islamic goddess in Arabia, whose idols were broken after Mecca was captured in 630 CE.
Infact, the word ‘Allah‘ existed much before islam, as Mohammed’s grandfather was Abd-Allah (meaning : slave of allah). This name was later was used as Abdullah.
The temple of Manat was raided and the idol was destroyed on the orders of Muhammad, in the Raid of Sa’d ibn Zaid al-Ashhali, in January 630 CE (8AH, 9th month, of the Islamic Calendar), in the vicinity of al-Mushallal.
Some scholars have enumerated that Somnath Temple in India was attacked later by Muhammad Ghazni for an idol of Manat that had been secretly transferred to the said temple.
These three Pre Islamic Goddesses look similar to Vedic Goddesses Lakshmi, Parvati, Saraswati.
A triple deity (sometimes referred to as threefold, tripled, triplicate, tripartite, triune or triadic, or as a trinity) is a deity associated with the number three.
Such deities are common throughout world mythology; the number three has a long history of mythical associations.
The Triple Goddess has been adopted by many neopagans as one of their primary deities.
In common Neopagan usage the three female figures are frequently described as the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, each of which symbolizes both a separate stage in the female life cycle and a phase of the Moon, and often rules one of the realms of earth, underworld, and the heavens.
These may or may not be perceived as aspects of a greater single divinity.
The Goddess of Wicca’s duotheistic theology is generally portrayed as the Triple Goddess of the Moon, her masculine consort being the Horned God.
This comes from the worship of constellation Orion and his 3 daughters in the form of Orion belt.
Orion is represented as Vrishakapi (one form of Rudra, who got incarnated as Hanuman) in Puranas and Rig Veda.
Even pyramids of Gizza are aligned to Orion’s / Hubal’s / Shiva’s belt.
Infact, Abrahamic religions have taken words from Sanatan Dharma, like :
Brahma = Abraham (Father of Mankind)
Vishnu = Jesus/Isa-ibn-Mariyam (Teacher and Protector of Mankind)
Siva / Maheswara = Huba+el/Allah (Formless infinite, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent God)
Sakti / Devi = Holy Spirit = Al-Uzza (Mother nature)