Japanese Goddess Kichijoten is Maha Lakshmi

Kisshōten (吉祥天, Auspicious Heavens), also known as Kichijōten, Kisshoutennyo (吉祥天女), Kudokuten (功徳天) is a Japanese female deity of fortune adapted via Buddhism from the Vedic goddess Lakshmi. She is regarded as wife of Vishnu or sister of … Read more

Japan was called Aniloddhita during Ramayana era

In Valmiki Ramayana, Sugreeva orders Vanara leader Vinata to go towards east direction and search for Seetha. Vinata is allowed to take 100,000 vanaras with him in this search operation. The reference point for directions specified by … Read more

Why Siva replaced Ganesha head with Elephant

ganesha elephant head story

Hidden meaning of Parvati creating her son with scurf and grime and Ganesha human head replaced by Siva with elephant head in Puranas Puranam Pancha Lakshanam – A text should have 5 characteristics or Pancha-Lakshana to be … Read more

Origins of High Heels (Platform Footwear)

High Heel shoes were used since 3500 BCE in Egypt and during later periods in Middle-East, India, Italy and Greece. Infact, platform heels or high heels in those days solved more purpose than today. Ancient Egyptian butchers … Read more

Whirling Log of Native Americans is Swastika

Whirling Log symbol of Native American tribe Navajo is Vedic Swastika, 卐. Used in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Tibet, China, Japan, Greece, Aztec, Ceylon, Hopi, Celt, Bali, Malta, Lapland etc. Swastika is known to be in … Read more

Lord Ganesha is Kangiten in Japan

Ganesha or Kangi-ten (歓喜天) is a god in Shingon & Tendai schools of Japanese Buddhism. Legends behind Soshin Kangi-ten (Male & Female embraced form), Evil Vinayaka, Saraswati (Benzaiten), Bishamonten (Kubera) etc. He is the Japanese Buddhist form … Read more